Thursday 27 November 2008


One fine night as I was working on my concepts, an idea popped into my head. It was to make the set look as if it had been done in pencil, crayon or pastel. I spoke to my lecturer Sean to see what he thought and he liked the idea and thinks it could work well. So I took one of the concepts I had done into Photoshop to play around with the effects.

The first one is far to grey, but this was the most colour I could get using the pencil effect. Though I do like the cross-hatching of the pencil, but there is not enough of it.

The second one this time is far to black. Though it does show up the colour so much better. However, I don't think I will use the pencil effect.

On this picture I used the pastel effect and it works so much better. It keeps all of the colour and is closer to what I am after.
Though I think it would be a good idea to see if the After Effects software also has this effect (or something similar) to speed up the post production.

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