Saturday, 21 March 2009

More Assets...

After going back to the rocking horse file, I realised there was no hope to restoring the main body of the horse. Luckily I still had half of a horse still in the file as a back up, so I managed to mirror the half again and merge using the verte's instead of the edges, as I the merge edge tool was what caused the problem in the first place, as I have had it happened on a few models. Here are a few more assets to be added to the environment.
Kids car...

Toy Duck...

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

More assets...

This is the rocking horse I thought I had finished for the room, but it seems to have corrupted or something when I came to re-open it in Maya on a PC. So I will have to go back and fix it.

Table and chairs for the play area...
and finally a teddy bear I am currently working on.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Experimenting for fairy lights....

I have been experimenting with how to make the fairy lights for the room. I added a glow to the texture and just messed around with the scales, and this is what I have come out with so far. I will need to give the glass bulb a better glass look, but all I wanted to do for now was figure out how to make the lights glow.
I like the glow effect a lot, and think it works well...but still needs more experimentation!

Monday, 2 March 2009

Room assets

Here is the start of the models for the enviroment.
Hospital bed unsmoothed and quite finished....
Hospital bed smoothed and nearly finished....I might change the quilt cover.